Group Classes
Classic Diviners Yoga
Yoga is a path that leads to the enlightened state, moksha or nirvana. Classic Diviners Yoga is a uniquely sequenced yoga class that uses ancient yogic techniques to trigger the body's natural intelligence, thus recalibrating its integral healing power. The five pegs on which this recalibration rests is strength, stamina, flexibility balance and co-ordinative ability. When all five are in equilibrium, equanimity prevails and healing pervades the being.

Classic Diviners Yoga is an in-the-moment experience, open to all those from ages 12 to 60. Practitioners are invited to join us on this virtual yoga mat for a live practice. Done without attachment to its result, passionately, for a long time, without interruption, with reverence, it becomes firmly established and a joy forever. Every session removes yet another layer that stands between you and your anandmaya chitta.
Classic Diviners Yoga is an in-the-moment experience, open to all those from ages 12 to 60. Practitioners are invited to join us on this virtual yoga mat for a live practice. Done without attachment to its result, passionately, for a long
time, without interruption, with reverence, it becomes firmly established and a joy forever. Every session removes yet another layer that stands between you and your anandmaya chitta.
Every human being is a yogi in disguise.