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Cover Image for Finding Asana


Finding Asana

The true construct of an asana lies in its practice. As we practice, the asana starts revealing its many layers, and ours too. An asana is a...

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Cover Image for Enough Is Enough

Musings From The Mat

Enough Is Enough

How long will we keep accumulating knowledge without implementing it? All of us primarily agree that yoga is good. But when it comes to...

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Cover Image for Leaps, Beyond Labels


Leaps, Beyond Labels

Our lives are a sum total of moments. These moments are defined by our perceptions. During many such moments we are thrown into...

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Cover Image for The Infinite Soul

Going Deeper

The Infinite Soul

Soul intelligence arises from the realization that our greatest resources are embedded in our soul; in it rests an infinite power, intelligence...

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Cover Image for Bandhas: A Liberating Force

Going Deeper

Bandhas: A Liberating Force

The practice of bandhas releases all the knots that stand in the way of a human being realizing its true potential. In the understanding of yoga...

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Cover Image for Try Spiritual Wealth for a Great Vision

Musings From The Mat

Try Spiritual Wealth for a Great Vision

A great vision is driven not just by material or social wealth. A third kind of wealth is instrumental in every path-breaking vision: spiritual wealth.

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