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Finding Asana

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No Expectation

The true construct of an asana lies in its practice. As we practice, the asana starts revealing its many layers, and ours too. An asana is a seat, readily available, all the time, anywhere and everywhere, for us to know ourselves without expectations. The Sanskrit word itself suggests the same: Aas (expectations) + na (no)

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The true construct of an asana lies in its humility. It cannot be forced. As we are today, so too will be our posture.


The true construct of an asana lies in its simplicity. Practiced simply, nothing will be beyond reach. Done strenuously, the reach will be eclipsed.


The true construct of an asana lies in its dynamism. It cannot be contained. As the practice flows, the asana grows.

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The true construct of an asana lies in the dissolution of dualities, between the known and unknown. An asana is a dive into the known to glide with the unknown. A union of the two.

No Conflict

Patanjali stated, "Tato dwandva nabhi ghatah." The purpose of asana is to end all conflict. The state of flow is a state purged of all fights. An asana dissolves the fight by diffusing the perception that a fight exists.

A Discovery

The true construct of an asana lies in its love for the moment. In not wanting to escape or change a thing, asana embraces its mistakes and is enthralled by the discoveries. Every injury becomes a stepping stone to a new strength. Changes in the body are all realizations in the mind.

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The true construct of an asana lies in its ability to relax us more and grow inside a smile for sure.

Habit Breaker

The true construct of an asana lies in its ability to break habits, and not the body.

Breathing Solutions

The true construct of an asana lies in its kinship with the breath. An asana is a seat in which we breathe in and breathe out, and the let the rest happen as it will. Problems being mere solutions in disguise, faced with calm and deep breaths, they always do arise.


The true construct of an asana lies in sculpting the witness in us. It deconstructs the doer in us and lets the spectator take over.

A Quest

What we know is very little
What we don’t is limitless
We can be among the knowers or
Join the bandwagon of explorers
Who live by dignity, integrity and divinity!
Anything we know is not complete
There is always another horizon to seek
An asana is that seat of eternal ease

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