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Yoga, an Evolutionary Adventure

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Gherand Samhita, a 17th century yogic text speaks about a rejuvenating nectar, stored in the human body at the root of the palate. Due to the gravitational force, this nectar drips into the navel, to be devoured by the sun dwelling there. But a yogi with the help of yogic techniques conserves this elixir (capable of destroying disease and death), to nourish the consciousness. For this reason alone, yoga deserves to begin now!

Somebody once had said that the “greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness.” Yoga is a ready and available tool for all of humanity to go beyond its limitations and genetic code. The doorway to our unlimited potential is at the point which lies in the crown of our heads, referred to as the bindu. Here rests the code and the possibility to overwrite it as well.

By evolving our awareness, through a daily practice of yoga, inner vibrations become aligned to that of the universe. Things like disease and pain can be rendered obsolete if humanity collectively elevates its consciousness to match the universe’s. Centuries ago, many a malaise were eradicated through sheer human enterprise.

There are three ancient yogic techniques that uplift the consciousness and send energy spiraling up.

These yogic techniques, drawn from the Gherand Samhita, are described below:

  1. Mahamudra: with the anus pressed to the left ankle, both arms reach out to the toes of the extended foot with the gaze tilted to forehead centre (sambhavi mudra), contracting the throat. Inhaling repeatedly, the stomach is filled up with air and it is held there by the practitioner.
  2. Mahabandha: with the left ankle the anus is blocked, right foot presses down on it, gently contracting the perineum, and the breath is held in jalandara bandha, uddiyana and mool bandha occur spontaneously.
  3. Vipareet Karani Mudra: the sun is raised above the moon which rests in the palate of the mouth, by placing the head and hands gently on the ground, and raising the legs up from the navel (seat of the sun)

The above three practices are advanced and meant only for a serious yogi, they should not be done without the right preparation and knowledge. To reach that point, learning with an experienced teacher is recommended.

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