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Bandhas: A Liberating Force

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Bandhas are neuro-muscular locks that are consciously applied to the body to unlock, unblock and unleash the energy potential in a human being. They regulate and balance the endocrine system and glandular secretions in the body.

Bandha is a Sanskrit word which means to hold, tighten or lock.

Bandhas are applied to semi-voluntary and involuntary muscles in the body. They are lifted away from the magnetic, downward pull of the gravitational force, sealing the energy in the body.

When a bandha is applied, it alters the pressure and flow of air, which changes the body chemistry. Blocking energy in one spot binds the flow of prana and builds pressure, and when the bandha is released, energy floods the body due to the increased pressure; the increased blood flow penetrates all the way to the internal organs, cleansing, detoxifying and revitalizing them while washing away dead cells and rejuvenating the rest.

While performing a bandha, the endocrine glands get pressed which activates the secretion of hormones. They directly enter the bloodstream, making an immediate difference at the physical and mental level. This is a powerful technique that can affect the autonomous nervous system too.

Bandhas, a Force to Untie the 84,00,000 Knots

The practice of bandhas releases all the knots that stand in the way of a human being realizing its true potential. In the understanding of yoga there are 8,400,000 granthis or energy knots that lie in the body. There are three main granthis or psychic knots, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, which prevent the smooth flow of prana throughout the body. Their removal can free the body of these burdensome blocks and allow the individual to experience ease, clarity and meditation as well.

Brahma granthi is found in the region of the pelvis; Vishnu granthi in the region of the heart; Rudra granthi found in the region between the throat and eyebrow center.

There are four main bandhas, moola bandha or the root lock; uddiyana bandha or the abdominal lock; jalandhara bandha or the throat lock; and finally, the maha bandha or the great lock. Practicing them every day keeps the stress knots away, as they directly affect homeostasis.

Bandhas, a relevant technique to our health and happiness

A bandha begins by activating muscle fibers in in the body. The location of these activations is on the spine, at the root, abdomen and cervical. The root of the nervous system too lies at the bottom of the spine in the pelvic floor and ends in the crown of the head. By engaging muscles in a pin-pointed way along this path, a nerve impulse is transmitted to the brain, activating neurons and nervous centres and dormant brain activity.

Systematic and conscious exaggeration of tension in muscles triggers far-reaching changes in the spine and the brain; weight is redistributed throughout the body and the skeletal structure is realigned. Bandhas support the spine for greater range of motion and joints for safety.

As the muscles are pulled up against the force of gravity in a bandha, they are forced to pick up strength.

Since bandhas directly squeeze the glands, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, para thyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas and gonads, the biorhythm of the brain undergoes a change. Profound relaxation is experienced and heart rate is lowered.

The pressure exerted in the abdomen revitalizes the digestive system.


It is best to practice bandhas on an empty stomach or three hours after eating your last meal.

Note: The practice of bandhas being an ancient yogic technique should be done with utmost awareness/under the guidance of a teacher or after seeking medical advice in case of health issues.

How to do Jalandhara Bandha

  1. Sit in any meditative posture
  2. Keep your spine straight and relaxed
  3. Place your palms on your knees and straighten your elbows. This action will give a lift to your shoulders and a forward tilt to your body
  4. Pressing the palms down inhale deeply
  5. Stretch your chin back in the inhalation
  6. Stop your breath and quickly drop your chin down into your jugular notch
  7. Retain the breath in for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can, you can gently contract your throat muscles to close the opening in the throat and retain the fluid, prevent it from falling into the stomach pit
  8. When you cannot hold your breath any longer look up first, release the chin lock and return to starting position, releasing the breath very slowly in a long exhalation
  9. This completes one round. Practice 3-5 rounds daily


Jalandhara Bandha also called the chin lock compresses the carotid arteries located in the neck which control the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory system. The focus is on breath retention after the inhalation, not a drop of air should escape. Holding the breath creates a pressure change and brings the blood supply to the throat, eyes, ears and brain refreshing your sense organs and revitalizing the brain. This bandha regulates the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Its benefits are:

  • Balances the hormones responsible for metabolism by improving the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • Age reversal
  • Cures all throat diseases and improves blood supply to the vocal cords (this pose is beneficial for speakers and singers)
  • Enhances spinal health and blood circulation to blood vessels located in the neck
  • Aligns the spine and frees the shoulders of tension
  • Helps get rid of double chin
  • Reduces blood supply to the brain, slowing down activities of the body and heart and bringing stillness
  • According to yogic wisdom, it improves the functioning of the throat center thus improving your ability to express
  • It compresses the carotid sinuses which helps in reducing blood pressure and sympathetic activity of the nervous system

Contraindications: Caution should be exercised in case of heart disease and high blood pressure. The breath should not be held for too long.

How to do Uddiyana Bandha

This posture is best practiced in a standing position, although it can also be done sitting down in any meditative pose.

  1. Keep your feet hip distance apart, bend the knees slightly and place your hands above your knees, fingers facing backwards towards your thighs, elbows facing outside
  2. Press down with the palms, inhale deeply, arch back and stretch your head back
  3. Pressing down with your hands, exhale completely, bringing your head and torso forward to aid the expulsion of the breath
  4. As soon as your lungs are empty of all the breath, suck in your abdomen and hold the breath
  5. Pull the abdomen into the abdominal cavity as far up as possible behind your ribs
  6. Retain the breath and the abdominal hold for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can
  7. When you can't hold the breath any longer, release the abdominal muscles and return to starting position and inhale
  8. This completes one round. Repeat this Bandha 3-5 times


Uddiyana Bandha also known as the abdominal lock, literally means the upward flying lock. In this lock the focus is on the solar plexus and it balances the flow of the upward and downward flowing prana or energy called Apana and Prana Vayu respectively. It has the ability to lift your energy up and lighten you enough that you feel as if you are flying. It is said that your second brain lies in your gut, therefore in Uddiyana Bandha the brain in the stomach is squeezed to produce a flood of energy. It also helps in maintaining healthy gut bacteria which control every function in your body, from digestion to moods.

  • Stimulates the pancreas and is helpful in diabetes
  • Relieves constipation and activates the functioning of the intestines
  • Improves the functioning of the adrenal glands
  • Gives a good massage to the internal organs, like kidney, heart, gall bladder and liver located in the abdominal area, flushing them clean of toxins and rejuvenating them
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps reduce fat from the abdominal region, toning and strengthening the muscles
  • Stimulates blood flow to the brain and heart, returning oxygenated blood to each organ
  • It also tones the diaphragm which is crucial to your breath
  • Stimulates the vagus nerve

Contraindications: Should not be practiced in case of stomach ulcers, pregnancy and high blood pressure

How to do Moola Bandha

  1. Sit in any meditative posture
  2. Place your hands on your knees
  3. Keep your spine straight and shoulders relaxed
  4. Inhale deeply, exhale fully, giving your pelvic a slight forward tilt
  5. At the end of your exhalation, hold your breath and lift up the perineum, or your pelvic floor towards your belly button, lock the muscles there and hold
  6. For women, this is the spot between cervix and the anus and for men it lies between the scrotum and the anus
  7. It is best to hold the bandha for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can. When you can't hold your breath any longer, release the lock and inhale
  8. This completes one round. Repeat this Bandha 3-5 times


Moola Bandha also known as the root lock cuts through the Brahma Granthi or knot which represents resistance to change. On the physical level, Mool Bandha stabilizes the pelvis, thus imparting much needed stability to the spine. This is the lowest lock in the body and it helps elevate the energy and blood flow upwards, while reaching out to the deeper muscles in the pelvic floor which elude an energetic engagement with other methods.

  • This bandha helps you balance and realign weight by redistributing it over your joints
  • Stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine, the brain’s natural mood stabilizers and releases stress
  • Moola bandha helps your create a solid foundation from the root up in all your postures
  • It relieves constipation and piles
  • Tones and regulates the functioning of the excretory system
  • Strengthens the pelvis, abdomen and reproductive system
  • It eases flatulence and acid reflux
  • Helps with hemorrhoids as it returns muscles to their functionality
  • Revitalizes the nervous system
  • Practicing this bandha can help pregnant women to have a less painful delivery, it also relieves menstrual cramps and tones the muscles of the reproductive area especially after delivery
  • Useful in urinary incontinence
  • It activates the parasympathetic nervous system as these nerve fibers emerge from the sacral area of the spine

Contraindications: Should not be practiced in case of hernia

How to do Maha Bandha

  1. Sit in any meditative posture
  2. Keep your spine straight and shoulders relaxed
  3. Place your hands on your knees and tilt the body forward slightly
  4. Start by inhaling and then exhale slowly
  5. Stop the the breath after the exhalation and apply Jalandhara Bandha, followed by Uddiyana Bandha and finally moola Bandha. All the three lock have to be applied in this oder.
  6. Hold all the three locks together for 30-60 seconds
  7. When you can't hold your breath anymore, release the locks in the reverse order: mool, uddiyana, and then jalandhara bandha are released.
  8. Inhale and relax. This completes one round. Repeat 3-5 times


Maha Bandha, also called the great lock, energizes the whole body and brings clarity to the mind, elevating the consciousness.

  • It streamlines the autonomous nervous system, the whole body is toned, relaxed and rejuvenated
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Tones all the internal organs
  • Tones the nerves and muscles
  • Stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands bring balance to all the hormonal secretions

Contraindication: Should not be practiced in case of heart disease, pregnancy, high blood pressure or glaucoma

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