Cover Image for Kosha, Flowers-In-Waiting

Going Deeper

Kosha, Flowers-In-Waiting

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Annamaya to anandmaya,
Peel away the layers of illusion,
Dwell in the cessation.

Yoga clearly says, "You are not the body."

We are not even our vital organs, even though they seem essential to our life. They are seen and felt therefore they appear omnipotent.

The seen is the physical layer, annamaya kosha. If life began and ended with it, the scientists by now would have found the formula for immortality, or at least longevity. We hear of unexpected demises, and those persevering against odds, this inexplicability raises questions about the unseen.

A Leap From the Seen to the Unseen

The great masters and sages of Ancient India looked within and studied the unseen. The science that unraveled upon their subjective research is hailed to heal, enlighten, and awaken humanity. This is the world of yoga, it lights up when we embrace our subtle universe. These subtle dimensions or koshas can lead us to a deep and lasting sense of wellbeing that is rooted in truth. Loving the unseen, as intensely as one does the seen, takes us towards the anandmaya kosha.

The Five Sheaths

The human body according to the physiology of yoga is composed of five sheaths, the annamaya kosha, or the physical body, pranamaya kosha, or the energy body, manomaya kosha, or the mental body, vijjinamaya kosha, or the psychic body and anandmaya kosha or the bliss body.

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An Illuminating Journey

The journey of the human spirit through the five sheaths follows the ashtanga yoga path as laid out by Sage Patanjali. It begins with yama and niyama; cascades into physical ease with asana; gathers energy and vitality with pranayama; clarity and discrimination comes with pratyahara; freedom from the binds of personality with dharana; and its complete dissolution in dhyana; in samadhi lies the ultimate realization of paramananda or eternal bliss.

Leaping Into Bliss

We have a blissful core, an untouched deep-seated part of us that remains blissed out even while we experience pain, discomfort, conflict, or resistance. This is our innermost layer, anandmaya kosha or where resides anand or joy, and we too can.

In Awareness Lies A Cessation

Life is created to make us blissful. The only problems we have are the ones we go looking for, once we find one or many, we start the process of solving them. This is the kaal chakra or the cycle of time, not life. Bliss is life and in the unbroken awareness of our bliss sheath lies the cessation of these cycles.

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Divining the Sheaths

The layers of action, energy, thought, and discernment, are playgrounds, for our desires, doubts, delusions, and wisdom to play out fully. Showered with profound attention, these experiences help us unearth the true self. To realize the five sheaths is to tune into our infinitude. Each sheath offers an opportunity to transform the mundane into magnificent.

Bud to Flower, Promise of Koshas

The Taittiriya Upanishad, a sixth-century BCE text that first discussed the koshas, says that these five casings hold the light, purity, and perfection of the true self.

The koshas are buds on their way to becoming beautiful flowers.

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