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Going Deeper

The Infinite Soul

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There is a soul
Embedded and alive
Silent and talking
Serene and emotional
Infinite and wanting small pleasures
Free and filled with insecurities
Relaxed and watching
Effervescent and knowing
Peaceful and allowing
Loving and in love

Soul Intelligence, the Greatest Resource

Soul intelligence is the only intelligence worth cultivating. It arises from the realization that our greatest resources are embedded in our soul; in it rests an infinite power, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, healing and transformation.

Presence, a Dimension of Soul Intelligence

The sum total of a high intelligence and emotional quotient does not culminate into soul intelligence. This is something still higher; a deeper dimension which arises from "presence". Not of something, but of something not.

Presence comes from a recognition of one's deeper self beyond the ego. Ego brings a severe judgement of good and bad, and thus pain. Presence emerges in the absence of pain. In the state of presence, our fears and frustrations slacken their hold on our emotions and quit their negative control.

Moving from the Ego to the Soul

Beyond the dimension of ego, presence lies way deep inside of us as the voice of our soul. When the voice of the soul assumes reality, the rest looks fake and distant. This transference of attention from the ego to soul is quite momentous. The world becomes a changed entity. The real shift is in terms of reference. What people will say, what works in the world, the right way to do things and a hundred such rules, conditions, and constrictions, all cease to matter.

Being in a State of Expanded Awareness

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Soul intelligence keeps the mind unharnessed. Ready to receive fresh insights in an expanded state of awareness. We have all experienced this expansive, uplifting feeling at some point in our lives. These are times when our brain has fired up both the hemispheres. We all experience whole brain activation from time to time, especially when we engage in some soul-stirring activities. It happens to us when a higher thought is served to us, also when we listen to some music, or watch the occurrence of a phenomena we call a miracle. We feel a shift in our inner canvas.

Soul Intelligence Uncovers the Real Self

Research says 70% of adults all over the world have had a peak experience. In a peak experience, we are one with our selves. Guided by the soul, our real self surges forth as an intelligent force. Another research says, "The real self expresses itself as wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, and love."

We build stress and blame the environment when we don’t pay heed to the soul. A life not lived in coherence with our soul builds conflict. Our anger, resentments, and fights are not with those around us, they are with ourselves for not living the life we were born into. Not living our inheritance, legacy of freedom and higher living. Not owning up to our presence.

Resonance with what we know to be the truth is soul intelligence, and it steers us towards our own peace, calm and happiness.

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